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Sisters in Heart Luncheon

  • St. Paul Upper Atrium 2550 Edsel Street Trenton, MI, 48183 (map)

A fun opportunity, open to all women of the congregation, family, and friends. In today’s world, we could all use a little more prayer for each other and we have the opportunity to show that with a Secret Sister — someone you would pray for throughout the year! All that is required is prayer and remembering her birthday, anniversary and other important dates that she may need to have lifted in prayer to God.

Our “reveal and new drawing” luncheon will be on March 22 at 11:00am in the Upper Atrium. Sign up ONLINE HERE or in the Gathering Space and bring a salad to pass. If you can’t come to the luncheon but would like to participate, you can still submit a registration below and be part of the Sisters in Heart fun. If you have any questions contact Linda Laura through the church office or email.

March 22

Fish & Loaves Service Project

March 27

MomCo New Times