St. Paul Women’s Event Sign-ups >

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.


Women’s Ministry

Through our Women’s Ministry, we encourage the Christian growth of all the women of our church, develop women’s spiritual gifts, and host fellowship activities, reaching out to all women of our community.

Monthly Fun Events

We have fun events each month just to be together and support each other as women. We’ve taken nature walks together, played games, and built herb gardens. These casual events are perfect for inviting friends and family. Check out our events and sign up.

Advent by Candlelight

Held on the first Tuesday in Advent, Advent by Candlelight is an evening for the women of St. Paul and our guests to gather for an inspirational message and special music to help prepare our hearts for the Christmas season—the TRUE meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. We also sponsor a charity and bring gifts to bless them. It is a beautiful evening!

Women’s Bible Studies

We love to study God’s Word together! Throughout the year we always have Bible studies going on. If you’d like more information or would like to join one, please contact our church office for details on what’s going on in Women’s Bible Study right now.

Women’s Retreats

As busy women, we need time to refresh, rest, and build each up other. For this reason, St. Paul hosts Women’s Retreats for all women in the community. We sometimes have day-long retreats at the church, which include a keynote speaker, breakout sessions, and time just to be together. Other years we have longer offsite retreats, such as our two-day retreat at Maumee Bay State Park a few years ago.


MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and welcomes any mother that is expecting, or is already a mama to toddlers or preschoolers. MOMSnext is a group that welcomes mothers of older children ages 5+ years. MOPS and MOMSnext groups rally women to be more honest, to feel more equipped, find our identity and grow our faith by journeying alongside one another. We believe moms make the world a better place and we are committed to making sure every mother knows she’s not alone in the journey. INFO HERE

Sisters in Heart

Sisters in Heart is a secret prayer partner program that provides Christian support through prayer. We pray for our Sister in Heart and send cards and notes of encouragement throughout the year. We reveal our identity to one another in the spring and then receive another name for the coming year. It’s an easy and fun way to support each other. If you missed our 2025 kick off, you can still get involved HERE.

Patchwork Quilters

Ladies who meet every other week through the year (taking summer off) to piece together and hand-tie quilts. Much of the material used is donated. The completed quilts have been given to MOST Ministries (Mission Opportunities Short Term) and to some of our own St. Paul mission teams to take with them to the mission fields. No experience required—just willing hands and helpful hearts! We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.

Baby Shower for
Crisis Pregnancy Center

We annually host a drop-off baby shower for a local Crisis Pregnancy Center. The entire congregation and community are invited to participate by donating baby gifts. 

Sisters in Mission

Sisters in Mission supports local, regional, and international missions. Throughout the year, we sponsor fellowship and service events for women at St. Paul and in the community. We also provide mite boxes, which are small boxes where you can put your change. This change adds up! We send this change to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, who uses the funds to provide financial assistance to active mission ministries and projects, locally and around the world.

If you’d like to get involved in any of the Women’s groups, contact the church office at 734.675.1565.

photo: Rawpixel