Join the St. Paul Choir and Orchestra as we pay tribute to the heroes of our country; those who have gone before us, and those who currently work to ensure our freedom! The concerts will be presented in the St. Paul Christian Life Center at 2pm on Saturday May 17, and 3pm on Sunday May 18.

Tickets to the concerts are free, but required to reserve your seat. You can pick up tickets in the Gathering Space beginning April 5, or order online beginning April 7.

St. Paul Concert Series


The Concert Choir, accompanied by an Orchestra, sings for Christmas Concerts, Palm Sunday, and "Salute to our Heroes" Concerts. The entire Downriver community — not just St. Paul members — participate in the choir and orchestra. Throughout the year, we bring in guest artists — such as bands, choirs, and other performers — for the whole community to enjoy. These concerts have become much-loved events for the whole community. We look forward to seeing you at our coming events!


Come Sing
with Us!

Membership to this choir is open to the entire community! All singers 9th grade and above are welcome.

Patron Program.

The St. Paul Concert Series depends upon the support of patrons to bring you several enjoyable concerts each year. Please consider making a donation to the Concert Series Patron Program so that we may continue to share the joy of music with our community. Please mail your tax-deductible donation to St. Paul Concert Series, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2550 Edsel Drive, Trenton Michigan 48183

Mailing List.

We maintain a Concert Series Mailing List to send notification of events on the Concert Series. Click below if you:

  • would like to be added to the list

  • need to update or change your address

  • have questions or concerns about the mailing list or concert series