We’d love to connect you with a Life Group!
Life Groups
A tree needs water and sunlight with roots planted in good soil to grow. A single redwood tree can be tipped over with a strong wind, but did you know that redwoods are joined at the roots? Together redwoods stand tall in withstanding otherwise overwhelming winds. Like redwoods, we are stronger when we deal with the challenges of life growing together in God’s good earth bathed in His light.
Life Groups are Christ-Centered. Life Groups connect people to each other and to the Lord. We meet on Zoom or at people’s homes, perhaps sitting on lawn chairs on the patio or in a convenient location at St. Paul or a local restaurant. Groups are diverse. We learn from God’s Word and from each other.
We get to know ourselves and our relationship with God better. We get energized when we explore a theme or do a deep dive into a study on a book or a person in the Bible. Life Groups have purpose. We care for each other. We learn more about ourselves and each other when we do a service project for others in His name. We experience the power of God’s Word and our awesome connection with Him in prayer.
We get to figure out how we can apply what we learn to our everyday lives and grow together in Him. Being part of a Life Group and especially leading one is a life-changing experience. And we get to make new friends along the way!
To learn more about joining a Life Group or being trained/coached as a leader-facilitator, contact Deacon Greg Exner. Call the church office 734.675.1565 or email.
Life Group Resources:
To find current Life Groups with leaders, coaches & meeting days/times/locations, please contact the Life Groups team.
Right Now Media — You can find loads of Bible Studies with videos & study resources here! St. Paul members can use this service for free.