Midweek Lenten Worship
Please join us on Wednesdays at 1:30pm or 7:00pm for our Midweek Lenten Worship. We’ll be looking deeper in the heart of Jesus through our “Prayers of the Passion” sermons.

MomCo New Times
MomCo is now offering one morning and one evening meeting each month, the 2nd & 4th Thursdays. We’d love everyone to have the chance to come and be encouraged! We’ll meet at our normal time, 9:00am on March 13. The first evening meeting is March 27 from 5:30-7pm. Childcare will be available. Please plan to join us. Contact Erica Craig for info.

Mexico Water Mission Trip Info Meeting
St. Paul is partnering with MOST Ministries on a Mexico Water Outreach Mission Trip. The trip is scheduled for 10/4—10/11/2025. This project has the possibility of changing entire communities by providing them with clean water, good health habits and proper sanitation. If you are interested in learning more about this trip and how you can be a part of changing lives and sharing the Gospel, please join us on Sunday, March 30 at 12:30pm in Conference Room 110. You can also contact Lupe Harpster directly with questions. We have 12 spots to fill, and we hope you’ll join us!

Yahweh Yoga
Join us on select Mondays for Yahweh Yoga — next class is March 31. We'll be meeting in the Gym and class begins at 6:45pm. Hope to see you there!

Youth Airborne Adventure
Get ready to take flight at Airborne Adventure in Taylor, April 3 from 6:00-8:00pm for grades 6-12. The cost is $25 (includes 2 hours of jump, socks, pizza, and drinks (everything!). Please register & pay here by March 30. Parents, an online waiver must be submitted asap.

Become a Member at St.Paul
Looking to join our St. Paul Family? We’d love to connect with you! There are two components to our membership process here at St. Paul. GOD Connects provides an overview of the Christian faith to help you know what St. Paul believes. In April we are offering a New Member Super Seminar that will combine both this quarters PLACE Seminar and God Connects Class. We will meet on Saturday, April 5, 9:00am to 12:00pm. In addition, we will be offering childcare for families with little ones. Please email Don Busse or call 734-676-1565 for more information and to sign up. Registration deadline for this super seminar is March 31.

Pastor's Fellowship Luncheon
New to St. Paul, or interested in learning more about our church? Newer members, guests and visitors are invited to join us for lunch and the opportunity to chat with our pastors on April 6 following the 11:00am worship service. Call the church office at 734-676-1565 to RSVP.

LaFiesta, Euchre, & Fun
The St. Paul Men's and Women's Ministries have joined together for a Euchre Night! Join us Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone who knows how to play euchre is welcome. Food will be provided by LaFiesta, and there will be prizes. This is a free event that promises to be a lot of fun. There will be freewill offering. Bring your friends and bring a card table too! Please register here or in the Gathering Space.

Rejoicing Spirits Worship
Join us for Rejoicing Spirits Worship April 13. Claudia the Comfort Dog is joining us this month so come snuggle our fuzzy friend. We will be hosting a light, preservice lunch from 12:15 to 1:00pm and our worship service will begin at 1:00pm. Rejoicing Spirits is an innovative ministry created to enrich the spiritual lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, friends and other supportive congregation and community members. It offers an interactive and engaging worship and fellowship opportunity which shares God's word and celebrates the message of God's loving grace. The “no-shush” worship setting is open to a variety of needs and offers the opportunity to actively participate and have roles in the service. Rejoicing Spirits meets monthly (generally the 3rd Sunday of each month with exceptions on holidays) in the Fellowship Hall for approximately 35 minutes in length, our worship service is followed by fellowship time. For more info, contact the church office.

Easter Eggstravaganza
The St. Paul Easter Egg-stravaganza is happening again this year! Kids up to grade 5 and their families are invited to join us on the St. Paul front lawn for this awesome outdoor event! It will be held Saturday, April 19, starting at 9:30am. There will be three Resurrection Egg Hunts for kids ages 4 and under; kids in grades K-2; and kids in grades 3-5. We will also have music, a family Easter photo op, face painting and much, much more! Bring your own baskets. You won’t want to miss out on this Easter weekend fun!

Men's Golf League
The St. Paul men’s golf league will begin Monday, April 21, immediately following Easter Sunday. The golf course is Willow Metro Park and we will begin golfing at 3 o’clock. There are a few spaces available for new golfers. If you’d like more info, please contact Tom Wiltse.

Women's Ministry Detroit Wheelhouse Bookstore Bike Tour
We’re going to join Detroit Wheelhouse in celebrating Independent Bookstore Day and taking a tour of some local book purveyors. Stops may include John K. King Books, 27th Letter Books, Source Booksellers, Vesper Detroit, Detroit Specials Used Books, and Vault of Midnight We’ll also pay a visit to the gorgeous Main Branch of the Detroit Public Library. Ride Distance is 13 miles and we’ll ride for 4 hours. Cost: $50/$60 with bike rental. Date: April 26 at Noon and we’ll meet at the Detroit Wheelhouse tour location. Space is limited so sign up ASAP if interested.

MomCo Bible Study: A Beautiful Year in the Bible
Moms! Are you looking to cultivate a habit of daily Bible Study? We know life is busy and personal study can fall through the cracks. Join some other Moms in A Beautiful Year in the Bible: The 52-Week Bible Study for Women by Alabaster. This is a stress free, low pressure group to bring ladies together in scripture, encourage each other to grow in the Word, and incorporate Bible Study into our daily routines. Register Here. Contact Erica Craig for more info.

Blood Drive at St. Paul
St. Paul is hosting a Red Cross blood drive on May 1 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Register online here by searching the St.Paul zip code: 48183. If you need help, we’ll be set up in the Gathering Space between worship services during the month of April. Thank you in advance — our blood donations are helping many lives!

Sisters in Heart Luncheon
A fun opportunity, open to all women of the congregation, family, and friends. In today’s world, we could all use a little more prayer for each other and we have the opportunity to show that with a Secret Sister — someone you would pray for throughout the year! All that is required is prayer and remembering her birthday, anniversary and other important dates that she may need to have lifted in prayer to God.
Our “reveal and new drawing” luncheon will be on March 22 at 11:00am in the Upper Atrium. Sign up ONLINE HERE or in the Gathering Space and bring a salad to pass. If you can’t come to the luncheon but would like to participate, you can still submit a registration below and be part of the Sisters in Heart fun. If you have any questions contact Linda Laura through the church office or email.

Fish & Loaves Service Project
Join us Saturday, March 22 volunteer to serve at Fish and Loaves. We will meet at St. Paul at 8:00am and carpool from church. We’ll be serving 8:30am-12:30pm. Sign-up in the Gathering Space. Everyone is welcome, but must be 11 years old to participate.

Friends in Faith Theater & Dinner
Join us for a presentation of "Ripcord" at the Open Book Theater on Sunday, March 16 at 2:00pm. Tickets are $24.00, with dinner at Mom's Restaurant afterward. More information and sign-up in the Gathering Space.

Kids Word Bible Presentation
This year’s Kids Word Bible Presentation will be held on Sunday, March 16 during the 11:00am worship service. All students who have attended the "What the Bible’s All About” class will receive their Bible. Please contact Don Busse with questions.

Salute to Our Heroes Rehearsal
Salute to Our Heroes concert choir rehearsals begin March 13 at 7:00pm. We still have room for more singers! As always, there are no auditions for any choir at St. Paul, and all youth and adults are welcome! Bring a friend to sing along with you. We look forward to seeing you soon! Contact Cherie for more information or to join a choir. View the 2025 Choir Schedule HERE.

KCAH Meal Packing Service Project
Update: Registration is now at capacity and closed - thank you everyone who signed up! Though the event is full, you can still support this effort by giving generously to our Kids Against Hunger food packing event: give online here. Each gift of $35 means 100 meals for hungry people locally, nationally, and internationally.
As a finale to our SERVING CHALLENGE, St. Paul is again hosting a Kids Coalition Against Hunger (KCAH) of Michigan meal packing event on Sunday, March 9, beginning at 1:00pm. We will pack meals that will feed kids, youth and adults here in our backyard and around the world! KCAH is an awesome organization that provides the mechanism and resources to make this happen. Our goal is to pack 10,000 meals for hungry people. The process is simple and fun! Teams work together at stations to assemble meal packets that provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins needed to nourish a hungry child’s body and mind. This is an important task. You’ll have a great time doing it and there is no better activity to help families and groups grow together than to care for others. For more information, contact Don Busse.

Ash Wednesday Worship
Our Lenten sermon series, “Savior, Servant, Friend”, begins on Ash Wednesday. We look forward to worshipping with you. March 5 at 1:30pm and 7:00pm.

Women's Lenten Study
The Wednesday Women’s Bible Study Group will be doing a Lenten Study, "In the Footsteps of the Savior" by Max Lucado. Join Max Lucado on an inspirational journey through the hills, the dust, and the homes of the Holy Land! Discover, with new eyes, God’s heart for His people and His deep love for you. It is a six DVD sessions beginning March 5 thru April 16. No book is needed for this study! We will watch the video and have a discussion. Watch for the signup later in February.

Euchre Night
You're invited to an All Church Euchre Night! Join us Saturday, March 1 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Light snacks will be provided, and there will be prizes. This is a free event that promises to be a lot of fun, so be sure to bring your friends! Please sign up here.

Friends in Faith: Heart to Heart with God Luncheon
Prayer is the two-way communication process that allows us to talk with our Heavenly Father. He wants us to speak with Him, like two people talking face to face. Due to weather, this event date has been changed to Thursday, February 27 at Noon. Join us for a soup and salad luncheon event about prayer and conversing with God, with guest speaker Rev. Ben Roberts. We’ll also enjoy a game, some song, and fellowship. A free will offering will be accepted.

Stickers for Students
Get some fun stickers while supporting our St. Paul Youth and their fundraising efforts for the National Youth Gathering Trip. Stickers are available in the Gathering Space for a free will donation.

Women's Ministry Truffle Making Class
Our truffle making class at Mindo Chocolate Factory is sold out. You can join our waitlist here and we’ll notify you if any spots open. We’ll see those who registered on Saturday, February 8. We'll meet at St. Paul at 8:45am and carpool to Dexter. Our reservation is for 10:00am-11:30am.

Tacos & Trivia — Save the Date!
Save the Date for our Life Group event and Youth Group "FUNdraiser" coming up February 2 from 4:00-6:00pm in the CLC. We'll enjoy a delicious taco dinner, an exciting game of Trivia, and some great fellowship. Childcare is available. Sign-up HERE to host a table and to attend.

Stickers for Students
Get some fun stickers while supporting our St. Paul Youth and their fundraising efforts for the National Youth Gathering Trip. There will be a table set up at the Tacos and Trivia event on February 2 from 4:00-6:00. Pick up a sticker for a freewill donation.

Salute to Our Heroes Concert - Calling Choir Members
It's time to begin planning for our Salute to Our Heroes patriotic concerts! This concert is a favorite among our usual concert attendees. Concerts are May 17 & 18, 2025 — that's a Saturday and a Sunday, with one afternoon performance each day. Rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings, beginning in late February/early March, actual start date to be determined. What we need now is a commitment from you, to be sure that we have enough singers to present the concerts properly. We need this information before any of the other plans can be made, so please email or sign up in the Gathering Space. Deadline for replies/sign ups is February 2.

Adult Bible Study: ACTS
A new Adult Bible Study series begins this weekend. Please join us for the Acts: Sent to Bear Witness on Sundays at 8:30am in the Youth Room.

Serving Challenge Sermon Series & Life Groups Coming Soon
You won’t want to miss our January Serving Challenge Sermon Series & Life Group Sprint. Pastor Zach Zehnder will walk with us on a 40-day life-changing journey designed to lead to more personal fulfillment than we ever thought possible. We were made to serve. You were made for more than just believing and existing until you die. You were made to serve. Our pastors will be unpacking how and why we serve like Jesus, and we’ll gather in small groups to discuss how we can actively live out these truths. The Serving Challenge begins the weekend of January 18/19. You can SIGN UP HERE. You can pick up your Serving Challenge book in the Gathering Space between worship services or ORDER HERE.

SpringHill Youth Winter Retreat
We can’t wait for the SpringHill Winter Retreat on January 24-26! Registration is now closed. Final payment is due. ONLINE PAYMENT HERE. The bus leaves Friday, January 24 at 1:30. Please be to the church by 1:00. If you have any questions, please contact Ken in the church office.

Finding I AM - Women's Bible Study
This study is a lifeline, a way to get oxygen into the places of our hearts that have been starving to breathe and fully live. We are going to dive into the seven I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. We are going to go to places in the Holy Land where Jesus may have been when He uttered the words. We want the Word of God to come alive to you in this study—to reach the recesses of your heart because we truly believe that God’s Word to us is life. The study will be held January 15 through February 26, from 9:30 to 11:30, in Room Yellow 3.

Preschool Open House
Join us on Monday, January 20, 2025 from 6:00pm-7:00pm for our preschool open house! This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and potential new students to explore our classrooms, meet our dedicated teachers and get a feel for our school community. Due to limited space, we kindly ask that no siblings accompany you. If you have questions, please contact Miss Maria at 734-676-2918.

Movie Day with Friends in Faith
The Friends in Faith Theater will be showing "Let There Be Light" on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 1:00pm in the Youth Room. No admission will be charged, but there will be snacks available for a free will offering.
Plot Description: World-famous atheist Dr. Sol Harkens (Kevin Sorbo) delights in debating Christians. Isolated from his wife Katy (Sam Sorbo), his self-destruction culminates in a car crash that leaves him clinically dead for 4 minutes. The message from that experience challenges his convictions. Reluctantly leaning on his family's forgiveness, Sol struggles to find meaning in the words. . ."Let There Be Light." Sign-up in the Gathering Space!

Adult Bible Study: Philippians
Our next study for Adult Bible Study begins soon. Plan to join us for Philippians on Sunday mornings at 8:30am in the Youth Room.

Youth Bottle Drive
Thank you for saving your empty bottles and cans from the Holidays to give to the St. Paul Youth for our upcoming Can & Bottle Drive! This fundraiser is an easy way to help send our Youth to the LCMS National Youth Gathering this summer. The Youth will be collecting cans/bottles on January 11 & 12 from 9:00am-noon in the North Parking Lot. Happy New Year from the Youth!

New Year's Eve Worship
Let’s close out 2024 in worship. Join us at 6:00pm on New Year’s Eve for worship. Our New Year’s offerings will support our Youth to NYG: The LCMS National Youth Gathering (NYG) is July 19-23, 2025 in New Orleans. We are so excited that eleven of our youth are attending. At our New Year’s Eve service, as well as online through the giving page on our website and app, please support our youth by donating to the cost of the experience. Thanks to a generous donor, we have a $5000 matching gift!

Christmas Worship
Bring your friends and family to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, The Word Made Flesh, with your St. Paul family this Christmas! Christmas Eve Candlelight worship is at 5:00pm (praise), 7:00pm, and 9:00pm. Christmas morning Festival worship is at 10:00am.

Adult Bible Study: Here He Comes
Join us on Sundays in December for Adult Bible Study: Here He Comes: The Arrival Of Jesus In The Gospel Of Luke. Sundays at 8:30am in the Youth Room.

Reindeer Games
St. Paul Youth are invited to the 2nd Annual Reindeer Games on December 15, 6:00-8:00pm in the Youth Room. There will be Christmas games, karaoke, a photo booth and Christmas cookie/ornament decorating. Also, we'll be making Christmas cards for the residents of Downriver Estates. Winter refreshments will be served, so come and join the fun and bring a friend!

St. Paul Christmas Concert
Please join us for St. Paul's annual Christmas concerts: Christmas Through the Years! Presented by the St. Paul Concert Choir and Orchestra, the concert is a celebration of some of our most favorite and popular songs of past Christmas concerts; a blend of traditional carols and newer songs that will highlight the joy and wonder of the Christmas season, and remind us all that Jesus is the reason we celebrate. The concerts will be held in the St. Paul Christian Life Center on Friday, Dec 13 @ 7pm, Saturday, Dec 14 @ 2pm, and Sunday, Dec 15 @ 3pm. Limited tickets are available by calling 734-676-2942. ALL PHONE ORDER TICKETS WILL BE HELD AT WILL CALL.

Gingerbread Bash
Who’s the STAR of the Christmas? I know, I know…it’s Jesus! Long ago, God sent the Star of Bethlehem to guide the wise men to the newborn Savior. In other words, He gave them a light to follow. And guess what—He gives us a light to follow too! Join us for this year’s Gingerbread Bash: Follow that Star as together families discover what it means to follow the “Light of the World” and make Jesus the STAR of your life. Gingerbread Bash is a fun, hands-on way for the whole family to celebrate Christmas together! We’ll make a gingerbread nativity, play games and hear the Christmas story from the Bible from a whole new perspective! You are not going to want to miss it! Join us on Sunday, December 8, 12:00 - 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall immediately following our 11:00am worship service.

Youth Fundraiser: Schwartz's Greenhouse Gift Cards PICK UP
Giftcards purchased through the St. Paul Youth Schwartz Gift Card Fundraiser may be picked up the weekend of December 7/8 in the Gathering Space. Those not picked up will be available in the church office